Guide for Fastest way to lose weight

Obesity is one of the major causes of chronic diseases like diabetes, infertility, heart attack and other cardiovascular disorders. Once your doctor recommends you to lose weight you should take it sincerely. However weight loss is better if you do it at a slow and steady pace but it could be made faster to some extent. Some fastest way to lose weight are:

Detox drinks like lemon, ginger and honey tea,herbal tea, gourd juices, yoga , intermittent fasting, exercises, healthy and light diet plan, proper sleep wake cycle.
Lemon tea promotes weight loss as it works as an antioxidant and an excellent fat cutter along with this it is nutritious for our body
Perks of drinking lemon tea :

Antioxidant properties are good for both skin and internal organs as it detoxifies the body and also helps in maintaining proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
Low sugar content

Low calorie drink

Have several vitamins and minerals

You can also add ginger and honey to this green tea. Ginger promotes weight loss and honey is also abundant in antioxidants.
Having all 3 ingredients has potential benefits on health other than weight loss as these ingredients are helpful in preventing some chronic diseases like diabetes, joint pain and Cancer.

Intermittent fasting - intermittent fasting means restricting your meals to a specific time window and voluntary fasting for the rest of the time. Some people adopt alternate day fasting for rapid fat loss but maintaining energy levels is also important. You can't make your body deprived of energy in order to lose weight rapidly. According to studies, intermittent fasting for 10 -12 hours can be beneficial for your weight loss plan. Some people can lose as much as 10 pounds in a month by having intermittent fasting and a balanced lifestyle.

However you can have zero calorie drinks like lemon water or green tea to satisfy your hunger in between fasting and to prevent dehydration. Other perks of doing intermittent fasting are -

It reduces cholesterol levels in your blood.
It is helpful in reducing sugar levels in your blood.
Prevents risks of chronic diseases like diabetes.
Protects and boosts the cardiovascular system
Note - one should avoid long term fasting as it can cause hormonal changes like decrease in blood insulin levels and some nervous changes may occur.
Ayurvedic diet - planning your diet according to Ayurveda can be helpful in reducing weight and boosting your body functions. It includes simple but nutritious foods that can fulfill body requirements but don't add up to the fat reserves of the body.

According to Ayurveda, drinking copper charged water on an empty stomach just after waking up in the morning is beneficial in weight loss. After going to freshen up you should have a simple but nutritious breakfast which must be super light. In between breakfast and lunch you can have lemon, ginger and honey tea. In lunch you should not include rice and roti at the same time. Eat simple homemade food like roti, seasonal curry and salad. Dinner should also be light. Homemade Soups are great options for diet plans. You can have herbal tea as evening snacks.

Along with diet you have to do yoga before breakfast.

Proper sleep- wake cycle also promotes normal functioning of the body and a good sleep works as a fat cutter. It is also important for proper functioning of your digestive and excretory system.

Overall the fastest way to lose weight also takes some time so have patience and keep trying.